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Italian Honor Society: Gamma Kappa Alpha (ΓKA)

Gamma Kappa Alpha (ΓKA), the National Italian Honor Society, recognizes outstanding academic achievements in Italian. Its initials signify knowledge and virtue, and the society is committed to fostering the understanding of Italian culture and traditions, as well as excellence in the scholarship of Italian language and literature.
Students are nominated by Stanford Language Center lecturers and DLCL faculty members based on the criteria below.
- Actively engaged in study or research in Italian language and literature
- Completion of two or more courses in Italian at the college level, including advanced courses beyond the intermediate level
- Completion of at least one Italian Literature course
- 3.0 GPA in Italian courses
- In at least upper 35% of class
- Graduating senior
Inducted 2024
Inducted 2024
- Helena Aytenfisu
- Alexander Selwyn
Inducted 2023
- Melanie Kessinger
- Megan King
- Lukas Lopez-Jensen
- Michael J. McDermott
- Leilah Smith
Inducted 2022
- Alyssa Victoria Diaz
- Matteo de Carli Perper
- Zachary Stoor
Inducted 2021
- Paulina Anzaldo
Inducted 2020
- Josephine Bianchi
- Justin Mark Daniels
- Alea Christine Delmastro
- Veronica Kim
- Peter Kranwinkle
- Febe Martinez
- Natalie Kristina Ponce
- Logan Michael Posey
- Jacob Daniel Pressman
- Clara Emily Romani
- Sanja Savić
Inducted 2019
- Megan Grace Avery
- Breno de Mello Dal Bianco
- Erika Nicole DePalatis
- Francesca Mae Lupia
- Sarah Nalle Phillips
- Kathryn Rydberg
Inducted 2018
- Laura Marie Feigen
- Emma Johanningsmeier
Inducted 2017
- Maria Alexandra Barba
- Roger Cain
- Xingkai Eric Chew
- Caroline Joost
- Maggie Ryan
- Helen Thomaides
- Felton Henry Weller