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First-Year German


In the first-year Gerlang program, students learn German through a rigorous interactive and participatory daily program for the 10-week length of each quarter. In this way students acquire functional and appropriate skills to successfully use their German in a broad array of social, professional and cultural contexts.

Program objectives revolve around three key axes:


Interacting with others in order to:

  • ask and answer questions
  • express likes and dislikes
  • exchange opinions
  • talk about people, places, experiences, and events


Understanding German in:

  • Social interactions that students themselves can engage in
  • Readings
  • television, radio, audio internet and oral presentations


Using academic/ upper registry language in:

  • giving rehearsed oral presentations with limited reliance on notes
  • writing essays of up to 3 pages or extended internet posts
  • asking/responding to questions during formal presentations

NOTE: Explicit explanations of these objectives pertaining to each of the three first-year courses can be referenced in the proficiency objectives and curricular documents.

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