First-Year Grading

The final grade in all courses is based on the frequency, completion or mastery of the course components detailed below.

A: All/ Always
B: Most/ Usually
C: Some/ Sometimes
D: Few/ Rarely

Preparation & Participation 15%

  • In addition to always adhering to the Honor Code & Fundamental Standard (this is a must, not an option!):
  • prepares all homework assignments on time.
  • completes all assigned reading and listening activities before class.
  • always contributes actively and enthusiastically in the target language, Spanish, to class discussions, yet is considerate of others, inviting classmates to contribute as well.
  • always reviews course goals and progress card weekly.
  • Your instructor may also provide a separate Participation Rubric.

Interpersonal Language 35%

  • 10% completes all Oral Diagnostic Activities (ODAs):
    • oral production is spontaneous and of appropriate duration.
    • pronunciation, vocabulary, and fluency are appropriate for the course level.
  • 10% completes all assigned conversations to be recorded with a classmate or language conversation partner (LCP):
    • oral production is spontaneous and of appropriate duration.
    • pronunciation, vocabulary, and fluency are appropriate for the course level.
  • 15% completes final interview with instructor:
    • creates with the language, asks and answers questions.
    • converses on a range of daily life topics.
    • is generally comprehensible.
    • speaks in sentences.

Interpretive Language 30%

  • 15% fully completes all reading assignments including:
    • reading portfolio assignments.
    • class reading activities.
  • 15% fully completes all listening assignments including:
    • listening portfolios assignments.
    • class listening activities.

Presentational Language 20%

fully and self-sufficiently completes:

  • 10% Writing Diagnostic Activities (WDAs), blogs, vlogs, and other prepared presentational activities.
  • 5% one (1) guided composition aided by class preparation activities and moderate dictionary use:
    • all drafts completed on time without any outside help (e.g., no help from friends or online translators).
  • 5% final oral presentation with solid:
    • preparation: student has researched, prepared, and practices. 
    • content: informative, interesting, and relevant to the Spanish-speaking world.
    • organization: introduction with a thesis, relevant supporting information, impactful conclusion that circles back to the thesis.
    • accuracy: mistakes are appropriate for the level and do not impede comprehensibility.
    • manner: delivery is confident and rehearsed yet natural; visuals enhance the presentation.